A Call for Industry Specialization: An Academic Perspective on the Importance of Qualitative Research
Journal Name: Value Examiner
Issue: May/June 2021
Publish Date: June 2, 2021
Authors: Kipp A. Krukowski, Colorado State University (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-0993-3566); Lawrence Justin White, Jr., Riverside City College
Abstract: The Value Examiner (May/June 2021): The purpose of this article is to highlight the advantages of specialization in business valuation. Industry specialists have the ability to craft the most insightful questions about a subject company and to understand the corresponding impact on value. We do not attempt to identify which industries or situations warrant the use of a specialist, or who should make that determination. Rather, we challenge the valuation industry to collectively develop a standard for when a specialist is needed.
Keywords: business valuation, business success, qualitative research, business planning
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This article (or a version of it) originally appeared in The Value Examiner, 2021 May/June issue, published by the National Association of Certified Valuators and Analysts® (NACVA®). All Rights Reserved. To learn more, please visit www.NACVA.com/ValueExaminer.
This article is being made available for educational purposes.